Saturday, January 27, 2007

God's Provision

Hello from Rwanda! We have 2 ½ weeks left here and it has been amazing. We have continued to work with the HIV/AIDS ministry here called APRECOM with home visits and support groups, but we have also been working with a widows ministry, and an organization called Global Family Rescue (GFR). With the widows ministry, this last week we went out to a village and were greeted by about 200 widows from the genocide here in 1994. We received many, many hugs from them and they were so grateful we had come to visit them. We performed one of our songs called Redeemer Lives and then Rosanna from our team shared her testimony and Brandy shared a message of reconciliation between the two tribes here in Rwanda. The whole group of them wanted reconciliation and about 20 women prayed to receive Christ as their savior and Lord. After the message we then gave away $800 in rice to them and they were so grateful. It was amazing to see how God was using us to provide, bless, and speak to them through the ministry we were doing.

We have also had the amazing opportunity to work with GFR. This is an organization based in Chicago, Illinois and has begun pioneering its ministry here in Rwanda. The identify people here in Rwanda who make less than $3 a month and connect them with sponsors who then give money monthly so that the families can get the food, clothing, school fees, housing etc. to sustain themselves. Our part in this ministry has been three-fold. We began working with them by helping out with a giving day when the sponsors gave extra money so families here could receive mosquito nets, mattresses, goats, pigs, houses, and cows (owning a cow here is like owning a Mercedes Benz). Many government officials showed up to show their support and the day was an amazing day of blessing for the families. We have also been helping build a house from scratch here. This past week we helped level out the foundation (digging into a hillside till it was flat), and make mud bricks. The Rwandese constantly laugh at us for not knowing how to use a hoe and pick, but it is very fun and they are so grateful that we are there. Lastly, we have also provided medical clinics for the families. We have a doctor and a nurse on our team and they raised extra support money to provide medicines for people here. With translators by their side, they have been able to provide healthcare to over 100 people. God is so good to all of us and has certainly not forgotten the people of Rwanda. He loves us all so much.

This last week we also had the opportunity to go to the genocide memorial in Kigali and get a better idea of what the people here have gone through. It broke our hearts and made us ask the Lord for reconciliation and healing for this country.

Starting next Monday, Brandi and I will be meeting with a group of teens in a girl's home for a small group based around their identity in Christ and we are so excited. God really has laid it on our hearts to tell people here and back home how God really sees everyone and that He loves them so much. He designed us for a specific purpose and values each one of us. We are hoping to discuss with the girls if they have a relationship with God and if so, what it really means now that they are a child of the Living God. I can't wait.

This coming week is very busy and we are all looking forward to it. On Tuesday we will be working with GFR planting crops with families and doing a medical clinic. On Wednesday we are going to an international school where I will be teaching about HIV/AIDS, our team will be doing our skit about AIDS, Erin will be teaching on relationships, and Rosanna will be answering questions. Thursday, Friday, and Sunday we are doing a seminar for a church nearby the base and the theme is going to be identity in Christ. We will have testimonies, skits, songs, and a speaker each night. We are praying for God to speak to each person individually about how He truly sees them as His beloved children. Then on Saturday we will be going as a team to a game park to see all of the African animals that we have missed out on seeing since we are in the city most of the time. We are looking forward to this week very much and can't wait to see how God is going to work in and through us.

Thank you all so much for all of your prayers and support. Without them, I have no idea what we would do. Keep praying for us, and if you have any requests, please share them as our team would love to lift them up to the Lord for you. I love you all so much and look forward to seeing you very soon. God bless you and thank you again!


Janet Mulvey