Monday, May 11, 2015

Help Me Get to Jordan!

Hi Friends!

I want to tell you about an incredible adventure I'm going on this summer and ask for your support in making a dream come true!

Ever since high school I have had a fascination with the Arab world. I'll give a shout out to my best high school friend Manal for being a part of this dream being planted in my heart. She is from Lebanon and in her home she spoke Arabic growing up. Whenever I went over to her house, I loved hearing them speak and also observe the unique cultural differences they had from mine. The hookah was always out, goat skins were on the floor, Arab soap operas were on TV, generosity and hospitality were their profession, and her mom often taught little kids Arabic in the garage. I always enjoyed spending time with her family.

When I started getting involved with restorative justice, community development, and reconciliation work, I quickly became attentive to my heart for the Middle East. I have never been to the Middle East, but I’ve always dreamt of spending time serving throughout the Arab world and Middle East. News articles about Iran, Egypt, Lebanon, Saudi Arabia, Syria, Morocco and many more consistently catch my attention. A significant motivation in completing my Masters in International Relations and Conflict Resolution was rooted in my interest in the Middle East.  I've had many friends who have spent time throughout the Arab world and I am always fascinated by the beautiful images and stories they bring home with them. It is nothing like the news portrays. I also have a grace and hope in my heart to see peace and reconciliation touch the hearts, communities, and nations in the Middle East. I know that God is absolutely in love with every man, woman, and child that lives in this area of the world and I feel He has placed a piece of His heart into mine for these people, their culture, and their language.

Well, this dream of mine to go to the Middle East is coming true this summer and I need your help to get there!  I have the opportunity to travel to Amman, Jordan to help host a gathering for many surrounding Arab nations, sharing the good news of God’s love demonstrated through Jesus to visitors from Jordan, Syria, Lebanon and beyond.  Our team will also provide hands-on outreach to the poorest of the poor from war-torn Syria, as we visit refugee camps where more than 2 million people have been displaced by the ongoing civil war in that nation.  There we will feed the poor, pray for the sick, and host daily relief outreaches.  I am so excited to be the floodgate of God’s love to these people and to experience the beauty and treasures of their culture and hospitality.

Will you help me get there?  I fly out early June to spend 6 days on the ground in Jordan.  The ground costs are $1800 and my flight will cost close to $1500, totaling $3300.  If 33 people give $100 I’m good to go, and I’ve already received my first $100 bill!  Let me know if you have any questions about the trip and I’d love to connect with you and catch up on life.  I’m so thankful for you!

The best way to send support is through Paypal, click the "Donate" button on the left of your screen, or send it to  Of course, I’ll always receive cash or checks as well.

Thank you so much for all of your encouragement and support!