Friday, August 22, 2008

Personal Update

Belfast, Northern Ireland Team Video

As I sit here in my room after hearing one of our organization’s leaders share about God’s heart for the Muslim world, I am just in awe of what God has been doing in our midst here in Kona, Hawaii.

In my life personally, I am so stirred to see God's Kingdom come to this earth. Jesus told us to pray, "Your kingdom come, your will be done, on earth, as it is in heaven." He wouldn't tell us to pray this if is wasn't possible. I've observed in these last seven weeks God's Kingdom invade the lives of our students in our school. I've been so challenged by many of them that are crying out to God asking Him if there is anything else in the way that is keeping them from receiving the fullness of what God has for them. Oh if I could thirst for all that God has for me like that! I've really been challenged and have been seeking that out.

I remember in my own DTS I did the same thing, however, since being on staff it has been so easy to get caught up in all the tasks that need to get done. It is about a 60 hour work week with being on call 24 hours a day 7 days a week. It is truly the most exhausting and fulfilling job I've ever had. I really want to come to a place in my relationship with God where I am open to Him speaking into the areas of my life that are "in the way" of me receiving all that He has. He is ready and waiting to pour out His blessings on my life, but I know there are things that I have put in the way that hinder my capacity to receive. I love Him so much, and He has done so much for me, He is so worthy to give my life to because He saved it.

I feel like I am called to greatness. Something so much greater than myself that only God could do. I think we all desire this. Our world is infatuated with superheroes. I think it's because God put in our hearts a life filled with something so much more that this natural earth. I want the supernatural to become natural in my life. I think this is what the Bible means when it says that we are citizens of another world(heaven) and we are aliens to this world(the natural). I'm challenged to step out more in praying for people. I've often walked in fear of failure or that what I'm praying for might not happen. I'm afraid I might disrespect people by asking them if I can pray for them. But my friend challenged me the other day and said that if by stepping out and praying for someone and they are actually healed or see and actual miracle, they could care less about whether it was respectful or not. They are healed! But if I don't even try because I'm afraid I'll fail (which it doesn't depend on me anyways) then there is no chance that that miracle can happen, because I didn't take the opportunity.

I'm excited for the life that God has for me. He has created me in His image, fearfully and wonderfully made. I'm ready to walk out in the fullness of all that God created me to be. I'm tired of being ripped off of my destiny because I'm afraid I might be rejected or fail. I am accepted and have victory in Christ. I am secure in Him! There is nothing to lose, but gain a deeper relationship with the living God of all creation who loves us so dearly. I'm walking out, stepping forward and taking hold of my destiny. I may not know all the steps to take, but I know that my Father in heaven is good and great, more than capable to make all His plans for my life be complete. He will show me the way, even if it is step by step at times. He is so good.

Where are you at in this whole process? How do you feel you are doing in living out the destiny and the full identity in Christ that He has granted you? Is fear something that is holding you back? I'd like to pray for you if that is the case. Just email me and let me know. I can even call you if you want. I know that God has for every single person on this earth a destiny and call into a deep intimate relationship with Him. Let us let go of the fears that keep us from taking hold of it.

Much love to you.