Sunday, June 3, 2007

Settling In...

Aloha everyone! Here is my first blog from Hawaii. This week has been one of adjustment, reunions, and insight. When I arrived here last Sunday I quickly discovered that where I was going to stay was off campus about three quarters of a mile away from campus. However, because I arrived on Sunday, and because Monday was Memorial Day, I was not going to be able to get a key until Tuesday. All was well though because a friend of mine said I could stay on her couch on-campus until I could go to the housing office to see if I could get a room on-campus anyways. Well, as the week went on, it wasn't until Friday that I was able to get my room key and get a ride for my two 60lb bags to my room off-campus. Let me just say that it was so wonderful to wake up on Saturday morning in my new bed knowing that I was all unpacked and settled in. Definitely a relief.
Hale Ola is where I live

This week the new staff were invited to attend a seminar called UNIQuip. It consisted of corporate gatherings of worship, prayer, and listening to God in the mornings; and then the rest of the day there were a number of modules that we could choose from in order to become further trained in specific areas of our choosing to help with our ministries. I chose the "Discipling the Sexually Broken" module. The purpose of this module was to train people to become the bridge between secrecy and shame to coming into the body of Christ. I learned that sexuality is the divinely inspired longing to connect with others. I also quickly realized that to some degree or another we are all sexually broken, but having a relationship with Jesus can heal our hearts and bring us to more wholeness. Some great quotes I have in my notes include, "Our past does not predicate our future;" and "Lack of intimacy with God causes us to look to be satisfied by people." It was an amazing time of growth and learning for all of us in the class.
I'm officially staff!

As for adjusting to the YWAM lifestyle, I think I'm getting back into it. It amazes me how quickly we can forget things. When I went to the first morning of UNIQuip I was overwhelmed by the spiritual atmosphere. Back home, it's just not like here. So, it has taken some getting used to. I've been struggling with pressing into my relationship with God. I sometimes wish it would just come so naturally, but recently it has been something I have to be really intentional about and choose into. When I have, God has really spoken and it is amazing; He is so amazing, and He loves us so much. It still is a struggle though, so if you could pray for me in that area, that would be awesome.

That about sums it up. Reunions with some friends from my DTS have been great and I'm really excited for the staff internship to start on Monday. Please pray that God would use this training to speak to us about our future as staff and ignite a passion for the ministry He is calling us to. God Bless you all!



Deanna said...

You are amazing. I'm so glad you are blogging all this. Call me sometime!

Deanna said...

You are amazing and beautiful. I'm so glad you are blogging. It's great to see you obeying the Lord and walking in His perfect will. Give me a call sometime! Love ya!

Anonymous said...

hey Janet! glad to hear things are going great so far. Just wanted to let you know that from our euro trip you have always inspired me to do a Triathlon and well.. I'm doing one in the end of July. It's only a sprint one but its a start! I'm praying for ya!