Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Beauty In Their Faces

This place looks like a war zone. I think I have some kind of idea of what it must have looked like to be in New York City right after 9/11.

On the drive into the city we drove past two dead men. One of the guys with us said that it was probably a fight that broke out and the men were shot. It was sobering to see. I haven't seen any other dead, they have done well to clear bodies from the city so people don't get sick.

These last few days have been intense. Yesterday and today, the medical clinic I've been working with has seen around a thousand patients. Complaints range from a cough and itchy eyes from the dust in the air to full-on amputations. We have a setup consisting of an ER station where minor wounds and illnesses are taken care of, deep wounds and more serious sicknesses we take inside the police headquarters building to clean and treat, we have a pediatrics station in the building along with a surgical ward and post op room. It is pretty amazing what has been put together. We've had many teams of doctors and nurses coming through. God has been so faithful in providing people, medical supplies, food, and water. The doctors coming through who have been to actual hospitals in the city said the supplies we have are better than the hospitals.

Each morning I've had the opportunity to go onto the roof of the police headquarters and worship and pray over the city. The capitol building you see on the news that has been destroyed is across the street from us. This country is actually quite beautiful, this whole island is. We drove from the DR to Haiti and I was amazed by the beauty of the towering mountains, limestone cliffs, and papaya and banana tree groves. It was absolutely gorgeous.

Today I connected with some of the people dircting the flow of people coming in with YWAM Haiti. Hopefully I can help them out in creating a system that people can get plugged into to help supply medical clinics, mobile clinics, refugee cams, and hosting teams coming through. Right now a few people are doing a ton of work and they really need help to carry the weight of running all of the relief efforts. These people are amazing, but Im noticing each new day they start off a little more tired. There is so much need administratively at this point, we need people to come for a more long term commitment (3-6 months or longer) to help out with facilitating relief teams, and supply distribution. Keep praying for those who have already been here doing the work of many.

Bless you for taking the time to read. Im personnally doing great. Im used to roughing it eventhough I have about 50 mosquito bites (don't worry Im taking malaria medicine). Love you and thanks for your support.

If you would like to give to help cover my costs, click the Paypal link on the left. Anything I receive above my personal costs will go towards YWAM Haiti relief efforts. Thanks for everything!


Location:Port au Prince, Haiti

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