Thursday, January 20, 2011

Zip-Line Through The Redwoods

In no particular order, I will begin with the first dream on my list:
Zip-lining through the Redwoods.

About a year ago, I was at church during a worship time and the Lord began speaking to me through a vision. He and I were in an orchard/forest walking around and exploring the various kinds of trees that were planted there. He was telling me that each tree represented the dreams He had for me in my life. There were trees with all kinds of different fruit and flowers, and a variety of scents filled the air. It was exciting to explore all that the Lord had in store for me. He seemed particularly excited to show me a specific tree and grabbed my hand and we began running through the forest. After a short time, we came to the base of an enormous Redwood tree.

The diameter of the tree's base had to be at least 15 feet and it was so tall that I could not see the top of it. The Lord said to me with a huge smile, "Let's climb it," and a rush of anticipation and excitement filled my being. He started to climb and quickly I was right behind him working our way up the tree with nearly no effort at all. At different points the Lord and I raced to the next branch and laughed away like little children as we climbed higher and higher up this giant Redwood tree.

I almost forgot that we were in a forest of my dreams as the whole experience of climbing up this tree with the Lord captivated my heart. Here was the Lord, the Perfect Father, my Best Friend, the Love of my life, joyously sharing this experience with me that would further define the infinite affection we have towards one another. If this was all we had done, I would be satisfied, but He had more to show me.
God can do anything, you know—far more than you could ever imagine or guess or request in your wildest dreams! He does it not by pushing us around but by working within us, his Spirit deeply and gently within us. -Ephesians 3:20 MSG
Near the canopy, the branches began to thin out and the Lord brought us to a place where we could sit comfortably and look out over the view. It was magnificent. It felt like we were miles high and yet there was no end to the forest. There were other tall trees of various heights, but none like the one we were on, and there were a number of trees of all different colors, like how the trees change color in the fall. As we gazed over this forest, my forest of dreams, I was in awe of the mystery of His great love for me that He would create such a place as beautiful as this with me in mind. He truly is good and great.

After what seemed like hours confined to only moments, the Lord said He had one more thing to show me. I turned around and noticed we had been sitting on a platform. On the other side of the tree a cable was firmly attached that strung across the forest, all the way down to the forest floor, I could barely see the end of it. The Lord said, "I have this in store for you too." I knew exactly what to do. I strapped myself in and attached myself to the cable, and the Lord did the same. On the count of three we stepped off the platform, and what felt like flying, we took off over the canopy of trees with my heart full and hope renewed. I knew at that moment someday the Lord would work out an opportunity for this to happen in the physical world along with the fulfillment of all of the other dreams He has planted in that forest. This is where my dream to zip-line through the Redwoods was rooted in my heart.

Not long after this vision did I discover that there is a zip-line course in the Redwoods in Santa Cruiz, CA. I have yet to find the time, funds, and people to go with to see this dream become a reality, but I know in it's right time it will be fulfilled.

Thanks for reading,

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